Derek, Ashley and Everly

January 06, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

I was privileged to be chosen to capture the birth of Everly Quinn.  When I met up with Ashley and Derek I knew these were great people.  From the very beginning there was a click that only happens with great clients.  They were both warm and funny.  On the day of the maternity session we picked a beautiful place down in the river valley that was not super easy to get to.  Without any complaints Ashley not only crossed a stream but went thigh high in soft mud to reach the perfect photo spot.  Did I mention she made her dress herself?  I love every image that came out of this session, even the one of her thigh high in mud or one of Derek being the king of the hill on a log. 

1N1B94891N1B9489Birth Photography Edmonton Alberta.
Luciddream Photography Inc.


When it came time for the birth Ashley had three midwifes in attendance, one being there simply as a friend because Ashley is that kind of lady.  Most births start at night and often the lighting is not great but Ashely labored as the sun came up, supported by her husband, the midwifes and her cat.  I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a cat that caring during labor.  With every contraction I got a dirty look from the cat that seem to be saying…why aren’t you helping her, and even though cat’s hate water this one was willing to jump on the side of the pool to try and help Ashley. 

1N1B03491N1B0349Birth Photography Edmonton Alberta.
Luciddream Photography Inc.

On July 8th after a total of 8 hours in labor, at 8:55am weighing 8lbs 8 oz and 21 inches long baby girl Everly Quinn rushed out to meet mom.  (8 should be her lucky number) I can still remember the midwife reaching to check for a head and instead pulling a baby from the water.  In one awesome push baby came earth side.

1N1B0728bw1N1B0728bwBirth Photography Edmonton Alberta.
Luciddream Photography Inc.


A week and a half later baby Everly came for her first photo session at my house. She was a dream to work with and such a little beauty. 

extraeditcoverBaby Girl Everly


I hope you enjoy their story as much as I have and if you’d like to see it unfold check out the video below.  Congratulations Derek, Ashley and big sister Charlie on the birth of a beautiful baby girl.



Ashley and Derek meet baby EverlyThe homebirth of a beautiful baby girl.



If you have problems viewing the video, please click Here


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