Kim and Darren

November 24, 2015  •  1 Comment

All births are beautiful.  People often ask me what happens if there's a C-section... with this lovely family a C-section became unavoidable. 

1N1A5802 copy1N1A5802 copyBirth Photography Edmonton Alberta.

We all went in at noon for a scheduled 2pm C-section but due to a few emergency C-sections Kim was bumped a few times. After waiting quite a while in admissions, around 4pm we were able to wait in a private room that the clients requested. 1N1A5810 copy1N1A5810 copyBirth Photography Edmonton Alberta. The idea of a C-section can be scary even when it’s planned but this beautiful couple joked and smiled and the love could be felt as they waited nervously for their turn to meet their stubborn little baby boy.  At around 8pm it was their turn.  There was smiles and excitement as well as a tiny bit of fear.

1N1A5832 copy1N1A5832 copyBirth Photography Edmonton Alberta.

I hope those of you out there reading, and about to watch this, can see and feel that birth happens in many ways… families grow and love blooms.  Dad took one of my cameras into the ER and was able to capture a few of those special moments that happen behind closed doors.

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Luciddream Photography Inc. felt honored to be a part of this family’s story and I hope the beauty touches you. My hope is that other families will see that there is beauty in all birth stories, even when a C-section is part of the story. 

j1N1A5861 copyj1N1A5861 copyBirth Photography Edmonton Alberta.

Lindsay and PaulLindsay and Paul welcome their rainbow Myra.


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I admire photographers who do birth photography. I mean, you have no real idea of when you'll be shooting or for how long. This family will cherish these photos.
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