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Family Photography starts with a choice of 3 packages. If you don't see what your looking for send me a email for a personalized quote.

Lets make it quick: $500
30 minute session at the location of your choosing. (Immediate family only)
A online gallery for you to pick your 15 must have images. These images will be given the royal treatment and edited in color and black & white. Your 15 images will be available for digital download.

We need more time: $700
1 hour session at the location of your choosing. (Great for groups and extended families.)
A online gallery for you to pick your 25 must have images. These images will be given the royal treatment and edited in color and black & white.
Your 25 images will be available for digital download.
This package is awesome for showing off your beautiful family.

We love it all: $1150
1-1.5 hour session at the location of your choosing. Perfect for large groups.
A online gallery for you to pick your 35 must have images. These images will be given the royal treatment and edited in color and black & white.
Package includes a beautiful 6"x6" book with your 35 images beautifully laid out. Your 35 images will be available for digital download and you will receive a USB with the images.
You will also get a 16x24 Canvas print for your wall for all your friends and family to rave about.

All online galleries will be available for 14 days unless otherwise arranged and can be renewed by month for $50.

Contact directly for potential ongoing mini sessions or current deals.
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