Welcome Dancers and Families.
Please note all images in folios and images ordered will be fully edited, cropped and background corrected.
Due to the group being so small images for the folio's can be the school or parents choice. Images make great gifts for loved ones.
Orders can be placed by sending a email to [email protected] or via text to 780-919-6691, please let me know which image of your child you'd like in your folio and it will be combined with the group photo that has the teacher in it. Other group images can be purchased at the below prices or as a package below.
Payment can be made by email money transfer to [email protected] using password ydance18 - Other payment options can be arranged.
All orders placed before June 14 will be available for pick up with your purchased folio from the school starting June 28th, orders placed after June 14 will need to have pick up arrangements made from St. Albert.
Gallery: - Dancers